BEAUTY IS POWER; The Unwritten Laws of Attention

Everyone loves the acknowledgment of a good commendation, whether it’s a nod, a smile, an irresistible stare, or an inexcusable aura of elegance that fills a room whenever a beautiful woman walks in.

The attention, the lure, class, and ever magnetic law of attraction cannot be denied. Take it or leave it, Beauty is power, it holds people sway and spellbound. Whether in a boardroom for corporate executives on a sunny day, while taking a walk through the park, at a party chilling with friends, or even within the comfort of your home enjoying family time. It cannot be denied that it controls the unwritten laws of attention. A good one at that, where the first impression is secured with a good foundation to transact, build relationships, secure deals, and leverage vast opportunities. Whatever you want for the beautiful, the sky is your starting point. However, to have the attention of others you must first be ready to give attention to yourself!

Beauty is within us all with its enormous possibilities but it is only revealed to those who can stop to acknowledge and beacon on her. To price her dearly and act kindly towards her demands. She rewards handsomely as well but is hidden in the layers of your skin tone, eyelashes, body size, carriage, the flowing currents of your hair, your dress, and the panache in which you present yourself daily to the world.

Fortune favours the brave but life will always reward the beautiful! No one can turn aside after seeing a beautiful sight and like the famous quote says we only get one chance to make a good first impression but beyond making a good impression is leaving a lasting memory which is the sacrifice that holistic beauty demands. This sacrifice is not too much to pay compared to the gains that await you. Why not elevate your game and start paying attention to your body?

When was the last time you pampered yourself with a spa treat? When did you invest in your body? When did you give yourself the chance to see its worth for what it is? The possibilities are endless but most importantly the chance to be in control of your own experiences so that the next time you walk into any room, you will not need to introduce yourself, the laws you have set in motion will do the work for you and trust me, they are not shy! They speak loudly.

Elevate your game!

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