NUTRITION FOR BEAUTY: Eating Your Way to Wellness

When you hear nutrition, most people hear “intermittent fasting”, “weight-loss plan” and the list goes on and on. The adage “We are what we eat” has never been truer.

You cannot get blood from a stone by eating like a Godzilla and expecting the hot body of a Modella. Such expectations should be banished to the evil forests of Sambisa. The foods we eat goes a long way to reflect on our inner and outer glow. From the texture of our skin tone to hair growth and over all fitness and health.

We all want a body that is beautiful to the eyes, but we fail to realize what we crave for isn’t just a product of our favourite body lotion or face kits but most importantly about what we eat.

This isn’t to sound like a broken record, but a beautiful skin starts with nourishment from within. Elevate your lifestyle by eating a balanced diet and you’ll see a more radiant skin like never before. Your body needs to be serviced properly with the right combination of nutrients every day. A healthy intake of fruits, vegetables, water, carbohydrates etc. can make a huge difference.

Unfortunately, people reduce their lifetime with the carelessness of what they eat and think that the more I exercise, the better my health. This is one of the greatest myths because what you eat has a greater impact on your health than how well you exercise. Have you ever wondered how our grandparents or great ancestors lived such long lives? It was because they ate fresh and organic meals. Eating right is a skin therapy on its own.

So how can I eat healthy? You might ask?

  1. Start Now: Start from where you are and with what you have. No matter the price hike in the market or the inflation rate in your region, nothing should hold you back from eating right. Eating healthy is not pricey like we would like to think, in retrospect, it is even more economical than we would like to accept. It is said “a stitch in time saves nine” so rather than wait till you get that big pay or salary, use what you have into becoming who you want.
  • Be Deliberate: We all want the right things but expect little from ourselves to DO the right things. Nothing changes except we decide to change the narrative and that can’t change either unless we are deliberate enough to push the pedal to the metal.
  • Stay Consistent: Eating healthy is not a one-time habit. It is a lifestyle, and a lifestyle can only be built by consistency. Develop a habit of having a balanced diet each day.
  • Take vegies and fruits: Cultivate a habit of ensuring you eat a rainbow meal that contains your vegetables and fruits. Consistency in this will lead to a clearer, firmer and toner skin as it protects the skin from cellular damage.
  • Take your vitamins: when you take enough vitamins, it helps in skin cell development, boosts collagen, clears hyperpigmentation and heals blemishes. Vitamins are not just found in food supplements alone but also in fruits like oranges, kiwi, guava etc. in vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrot, spinach, broccoli etc.

Once you make changes to your diet, don’t expect an overnight miracle. Consistency is key!

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